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What is Remote Monitoring with Regards to Copier Service?



What is Remote Monitoring with Regards to Copier Service?

What is remote printer monitoring and how does it work?

Remote printer monitoring is a way for your print provider to communicate with your companies’ devices no matter the brand, model or quantity of devices. Your provider can gather essential data through a program installed locally onto your network or computer with no additional hardware needed.

Through a secure connection, device information like page counts, toner levels and status alerts are received. No personal or user data is transmitted through this connection. By simply having your copier or printer turned on, the device automatically sends status reports to the program. The remote monitoring software runs in the background and does not take up any of your bandwidth. You will not even notice that your devices are sending your provider updates.


How is the information used?

Automatic Toner Delivery

At any given time, your networked copiers and printers can be accessed to report toner levels. At AOS, when toner levels reach a low percentage, an automatic alert is sent. The alerting system calculates the life of the toner to determine the needs for the device and based on those needs an order is processed. Supplies are then shipped out of the warehouse and delivered to clients. Managing multiple devices is now simple with the monitoring software and you can rest assure that toner cartridges are delivered in a timely fashion.


Billing Meters

Meters are the page count for the life of a device (for more information about meters, click here.) Typically, meters are requested every month for billing purposes, but with remote monitoring the task of reporting your copier usage is obsolete. Accurate readings are sent directly to your print provider without any prompt from you. It also eliminates the need for estimating the usage, since the device is reporting its page count.



Did you ever wonder how technicians know what parts to bring on service calls? The monitoring program enables techs to diagnose device issues remotely. Depending on the service call, they may even be able to save device downtime by pushing firmware updates and troubleshooting over the phone. With this software, AOS can also see if routine maintenance is needed on devices and plan accordingly.


How will Remote Monitoring Benefit you?

Remote monitoring will increase time management and efficiency for your workflow. Invoices have correct meters which saves time for rectifying inaccuracies in billing and submitting payments. Imagine how much time your purchaser takes to figure out what devices need toner and then having to place an order for it. Time is greatly decreased by not having to place toner orders and the toner cartridges arrive well enough in advanced that device downtime is reduced.

Remote monitoring is vital for AOS to perform the best client care and support possible. Let us know If you are not connected to our remote monitoring software or would like to demo the latest version. If you have had changes to your network, computer and/or internet, please reach out to us at AOSClientSuccess@GetAOS.com or (800) 346-6920, so that we can re-establish a connection to your devices.


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Topics: Managed Print Services, Latest Technology, Office Equipment, Service & Maintenance, copy machine, Printer

Brad McEldowney

Written by Brad McEldowney

AOS has been providing a culture of care since 1969. I have the privilege of following in the footsteps of my father and grandfather in serving as the third generation of ownership for our company. We sell and service office equipment, software and technology that helps your business or organization run smoothly. We are nationally recognized for the level of service we provide our clients and have seen consistent growth as a result.

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